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News Surges
A large spike in a company's conversation volume vs. average
Price Changes
The price of a company's stock has moved by >5% in the last 24 hours
Sentiment Spikes
The sentiment has made a large move from positive to negative, or negative to positive
Trending Topics
A particular topic is mentioned frequently with a company in conversation
Earnings News
A stock's earnings activity is mentioned in conversation
A lawsuit pertaining to a stock is mentioned in conversaiton
A merger or acquisition pertaining to a stock is mentioned in conversation
Executive Activity
Activity from a member of a stock's executive board is mentioned in conversation

12 Alert Types ā†’

News Surges
A large spike in a company's conversation volume vs. average
Price Changes
The price of a company's stock has moved by >5% in the last 24 hours
Sentiment Spikes
The sentiment has made a large move from positive to negative, or negative to positive
Trending Topics
A particular topic is mentioned frequently with a company in conversation
Earnings News
A stock's earnings activity is mentioned in conversation
A merger or acquisition pertaining to a stock is mentioned in conversation
Executive Activity
Activity from a member of a stock's executive board is mentioned in conversation
Whale Activity
Activity from a major investor in a stock is mentioned in conversation
Analytst Ratings
A new analyst rating or revision is released for a given company
Bankruptcy Rumors
Bankrupcty pertaining to a stock is mentioned in conversation
FDAĀ Approval
Regulatory approval pertaining to a stock is mentioned in conversation
A lawsuit pertaining to a stock is mentioned in conversaiton


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